Saturday, June 20, 2009

Computer-Related Career, Maybe?

Kassidy certainly has her daddy's interest in computers. If I miss her for a minute or two I know exactly where to find the computer room sitting in the computer chair typing away. Billy and I had said that come Christmas time or when he comes home we were going to go get her one of those kid-friendly lap top computers but I'm not so sure I can wait that long. Being that my computer is our only life-line to Billy and the safety issues of her crawling upon the computer chair and then crawling upon the desk itself that the monitor sits on, I may have to go a little sooner than planned to see if she can be pacified with a laptop computer of her own. My fear is that she will know the difference and still want to play with mine but we may have to try it out and see if it works for awhile anyways.

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