Tuesday, November 30, 2010

B-day Party

Can you believe it? She is 3!!!! I really had not put on a big birthday bash for her until this year. We had always celebrated her birthday at family gatherings which was great too. But...I decided this year to invite other little ones her age and people who were important in our lives to celebrate this day with us. Kassidy had a blast. There were so many people that came and we appreciated them taking the time out of their day to do so. We rented a party room at the Children's Museum so that after the party the kids could just go and run off energy throughout the museum playing make believe. Kids love the place and we thought it was the perfect place or a party. She looked at this birthday cake every couple weeks when we would go grocery shopping and she always said it was her birthday cake so we HAD to get it for the party. Hope everyone had fun because I know we did!

1 comment:

emily said...

o my goodness love the pic of u and daddy in the car his face looks just like it did when he was a child what a wonderful daddy u are blessed with Kassidy and a great mother too!!!! HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY