Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friends From Afar

For several years now, Billy has been chatting via internet with a buddy in Idaho (The Kramer Family). It all started with some internet trading deals and has now matured into a close friendship. It is amazing the types of friendships you can build without ever meeting someone in person. It seems they have so much in common and have become really close friends. We all talk about how one day we will meet in person. They have two children, one boy and a younger girl. Their little boy, Jordan, thinks Billy is so cool because is a soldier. I guess he considers him his own personal G.I. Joe. :) Anyways, we got a surprise box in the mail the other day from them. They were so sweet and bought Kassidy a couple of really pretty outfits that you see her modeling in the pics above along with some jewelry that several people over the last couple years have sent to Kassidy that I still yet have not had enough guts to let her wear out any extended amount of time for fear of them getting lost. Also, there is a picture of a handmade camoflauge pillow that Jordan made for Billy. The wording on it says William Fight, Be Brave. He worked very hard on this pillow. He sewed on it for four whole days. I told Billy about it when he called yesterday and it really touched him. I thought I would put some pics on the blog and give a shout out to Jordan for all the hard work he did on it. We really appreciate not only their gifts but their friendship and we are hoping one day to actually meet them in person.


Bill & Marty said...

That was so nice of them. Those outfits are so cute. Im sure Billy will love that pillow. That was a thoughtful thing to do. We all appreciate the hard work Jordan put into it just for Billy.

emily said...

These are the cutiest outfits.What a beautiful thought and work went in the pillow that makes all worth while.