Sunday, December 13, 2009

Unmonitored Trips to Walmart

Well...I had been recently saying how I need to start cutting down on how much TV Kassidy watches. I always said I would not allow the TV to be the babysitter but recently with the cold weather we have been staying in more and so in doing so the TV seems to be entertaining Kassidy more than I would like. Then Billy came home and ended up waking up at 5 AM the first morning without me knowing and the next thing I knew he came carrying in a flat screen TV for Kassidy's bedroom. We had been talking about how we were going to have to try to start transitioning her into sleeping in her own room before he came home for good. He said that this would be a way to get her to go to her room for a little while at a time and get used to it before trying to get her to spend the whole night in there. At first, she did not want to go in there at all unless we would sit in there with her but now she is getting more and more used to it. I was so against having a TV in the bedrooms but it looks as if he won this one. There were several trips Billy made to Walmart without me and on one of these trips he took Kassidy and they came back with a beta fish. least it wasn't a dog. We have been knocking heads about a dog recently too so I cannot say much about a fish. I will learn to live with it. hehe Kassidy loves fish so she likes to sit and watch him although I think he is a lazy fish and just likes to lay around on the bottom of the bowl most of the day. After Sunday morning church services, we had one of the girls that go to church with us take a picture of the three of us. We haven't had a pic of all three of us together forever with Billy being away and with me being the camera person taking pictures of Kassidy all the time.

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