Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just Plain Ole Cute

Here are some various pics that are just for the purpose of being cute. When she first got some of her riding toys, she was too little to be able to get on them by herself and do anything fun with them but now she is ready to go. She even does stunts on them now to mommy's dismay. She has a little shopping cart that she has learned to climb on the rollers and into the buggy portion and stands up. The only problem is she doesn't know how to get out so she stands there and holds her arms out and cries for us to get her out. I guess the stunts come with being young and trying to take chances so all we can do is try to catch her as many times as possible before the fall happens. So far we have been successful but I'm sure there will be those times coming shortly. She is so amused with her houseshoes in that one pic. We realized she had some shoes that now fit that included the houseshoes and she wore those all day long and kept looking down in awesome wonder of what was on her feet. I love it when she cracks up because she will cover her mouth like she is trying to hide that she is laughing. The pic of her in the my dad rocks t-shirt speaks for itself. So darn cute! We are blessed and everytime I look at her sleeping, or get a kiss, or even update this blog I am reminded how blessed we are and how the time is going by so fast in the little bit of time we have already had her. She has changed and grown so much not only physically but emotionally and developmentally also. I know she was always meant to be ours and I cannot wait to see what all the future holds for her. Thanks to all of you for viewing our blog and loving our little girl. Until next time.


Tiffany said...

Those pig tails are fabulous!

T n' W said...

The title says it all. Sophie's doing a bit of climbing herself. I can't take my eyes off of her!

And Merrilee Makes Three said...

Kassidy is such a cutie! Our houses appear to have the same toys. And we still LOVE that hair. How did we get so lucky? We miss you guys, but the blogs make us feel closer to you! Mark, Beth and Merrilee

The Ordinary Horse said...

Awww, Kassidy's so cute; so smiley. Absolutely adorable. Hey, I got your card; you're so sweet to send that. Yes, we have to get the girls together. I want to meet Kassidy. None of my contact info has changed. I'm also on facebook. You can e-mail me at tobringherhome@yahoo.com or sarahjray@earthlink.net Talk soon!