Sunday, June 21, 2009

Update on Billy

Again, Happy Father's Day to all you father's. I don't think many father's actually realize the impact you make on your children by your reactions both to them and your wife so please remember to take time out to listen to them because even if it is jibber jabber to us it makes them feel so appreciated and special to just take time out to spend a minute or two to take an interest in them and what their day was like. Billy has now moved to his permanent place. His address is the same but since they were not supposed to have been in country until sometime in November, the contractors building up their camp have been far from finishing it so they have been staying in a transitional place which the sleeping quarters, showering quarters, equipment that they need to meet their needs have been less than adequate and now they are moving to their new quarters which is about the same because it still has a long way to go to get into any civilization/half way comfortable living quarters which include getting a computer and webcam set up to be able to talk to us by webcam which I am hoping will mean a lot to Kassidy.

1 comment:

marty said...

Hey, Billy looks good in that pic. I know he is sad to miss his first father's day with Kassidy. Last time I talked to him said he would like to take off and walk home. Pop Pop told him the swim might be a problem.